CRO is currently the most overlooked factor in website development.
If your website ‘works’ better, you’ll generate more leads with the same number of visitors, without any extra effort from your sales or marketing team.
Our clients enjoy conversion rate increases of between 10% to 200%!
What is conversion?
A conversion is the specific action you want your web visitor to take on your website or landing page, such as:
- Buy a product or service
- Download
- Opt-in
- Register
- Refer a friend
- Make a phone call
- Click to chat
- Subscribe to your blog
What is conversion rate optimization (CRO)?
In a nutshell, CRO is:
1) Finding out why your visitors aren’t converting.
2) Fixing it so they do.
But by definition CRO is:
The science and art of getting a higher percentage of your web visitors to take action and become a lead or customer.
Why science AND art?
Your business cannot simply “guess and hope” which changes to your web pages will achieve a higher conversion rate. Instead, Canopy Media has developed a system that tests valid hypotheses, runs controlled tests, and evaluates results. Changes are made based on those results. You’ll get the reports that prove it.
A statistician or engineer alone cannot create the visuals and messaging that engage your web visitors. Canopy Media’s organic and structured process creatively applies learning from previous test results to test only the best variations of your website.
As a Canopy Media client, you will get the full-service optimization solution for the best results from A/B/n split and Multivariate tests. This includes:
- web analytics
- design
- copywriting
- development
- implementation
You get test results and reports that statistically prove which website or landing page variation gives you maximum conversions.
With Canopy Media, you can significantly improve your conversion rate without adding extra work for your web or marketing teams.