Growing Your Online Web Presence

Online marketing is simple, really.

Like any other form of marketing, it’s about being in the right place at the right time with the right message. Meet your audience where they are, deliver an effective message and encourage engagement – no matter what the medium.

But online there’s a difference. The online world is the most measurable marketing medium that’s ever existed. And for that reason, businesses can get a much better understanding of what’s working – and what’s not – so they can predictably get a good ROI that only improves over time.

It’s the key to the future of any business, so we’ll spell out how it’s done in 6 phases.

Get Online

It’s basic, but it’s the first step in your online journey. Get a website. Your customers are online, and you should be too.

Get Control

Managing your website is a top priority. If you’re depending on a local designer, likely operating out of their basement, to get your business the exposure you need that’s a problem. Their priorities are likely not the same as your priorities. And given the rate at which things develop in the online marketing world, they’re simply not able to stay up-to-date. Getting a content management system (we use WordPress) allows you to add/edit/delete your content at will. Keeping your customers informed and your content fresh not only drives traffic, but can have a positive impact on your search engine rankings. Getting an online marketing company allows you to stay up-to-date and take advantage of new online marketing opportunities as they arise.

Get Social

Getting social is paramount to growing your online web presence. Four words. Free Audience. Free Advertising. The only investment is your time. It’s the new word-of-mouth, but the potential audience is exponentially larger. Again, this is where your customers are, and you should be too. But it can be confusing, so our marketing programs help you accomplish this.

Get Found

If you’ve got a website and good content, there is plenty that can be done to increase the number of visitors your website receives. At one time it was called Search Engine Optimization, but the internet has evolved significantly over the last 2 years and frankly, there’s a lot more to getting found than changing bits of code.  We call it Web Presence Optimization and done correctly, can dramatically increase your web traffic and drive qualified prospects to your website.

Get Leads

Driving qualified prospects to your website is one thing, but getting leads in another. If your visitors don’t perform the actions you’re hoping they will (make contact, buy, download a brochure, engage with you via social media) they’ll simply leave and you’ll never know they were there. Conversion Rate Testing changes that. By building variations of your website, Canopy Media can test pages to find out which designs perform better. Even a small increase in the rate at which your prospects convert into leads can make a massive difference in the number of leads your website delivers (imagine increasing your conversion rate from 1% to 2% – that’s twice the leads).

Get Analytical

We’d put this first in your online journey, but if you’re not online there’s nothing to measure. Without measurement, there’s simply no way of knowing if what you’re doing is working. This is not unique to the world of internet marketing. Getting analytical allows a business to know where to place their advertising dollars year-over-year. Which marketing channels give your business the best ROI? Which channels drive the most leads? Better yet, the most sales? If you’re not getting regular reports on the performance of your online marketing efforts, or if the reports you’re receiving don’t provide evidence of improvement over time, you’re working with the wrong company. We do websites, social media, traffic generation, and lead generation with the accompanying tools to analyze and improve your results over time. Our marketing systems work, and we’ve got the measurement to prove it.

Get In Touch

Honestly, this is the first step. There’s tons of things your business is good at. It’s likely that online marketing isn’t one of them. So, the first step becomes to get in touch with people who are good at online marketing.

If you’re interested in knowing what we can do for your business, and how we can guarantee that you’ll get a great return on your marketing investment, drop us a line and we’ll get back to you within 24 hours and start the recommendations process.