You’re a social media jetsetter, eh? Every day you fly around the web, sharing your smiling mug and clever sense of humour with all your Facebook friends, LinkedIn contacts and favourite Tweeps — all while blogging about it.
You get around. You know how important it is to have a full suitcase of essentials to avoid being stranded in a land of social media strangers.
Do You Know How To Use SMO Tools?
If you’re looking to take advantage of social media optimization it’s safe to assume you want to be found online. So, as you make your way around the social media globe why not use your tools to build direct roads back to your online home? Leave the jet lag for someone else.
Five Quick SMO Techniques To Get Started
LINKABLE LUGGAGE — Pack stuff people want to see. Social media is all about sharing information. So, if your site and/or blog is crammed with regularly updated and interesting content worth linking to, it’s therefore optimized for social media where those links can take root, grow and be shared.
EASY ACCESS — Less clicking. More sharing. If your content isn’t sharable with a simple push of a button, it’s a lot less likely to stray from home. To help it avoid getting lonely, optimize it for social media by adding one-click tagging, bookmarking and sharing buttons to help visitors share the love.
DON’T BE A STRANGER — Keep in touch. If someone retweets your content, makes a comment, or just mentions your material, make it count for both of you. There are many ways to reciprocate using social media — especially if their own content is worth sharing. If not, show appreciation in your next blog post or simply comment back. The more people you’re in touch with, the more optimized your social media efforts become and the further it can travel. This applies to all form of social media.
TAKE THE TOUR — Without participation, social media is fruitless not to mention boring. By getting involved in what you’re passionate about, your message can spread further and faster. Diving into open discussions, tweet chats and reader input makes your name, brand and social media profile visible — optimizing every channel you make use of. Even creating forums and bulletin boards connected to your own site will generate conversations you can take part in.
KNOW YOUR FELLOW TOURISTS — Content can only resonate with people interested in it. You know your stuff is interesting, but what are like-minded folks talking about? Find out. Online communities are seemingly infinite. By getting an idea of what similar people are talking about, where they’re talking about it why it’s important to them will no doubt optimize your efforts. Knowing your audience is the first lesson of creating good content. Why not give them what they want? Using and scouting things like Facebook groups and Twitter feeds will give you the knowledge you desire.
If you pack your bag with these quick essentials, hit the social media road with confidence and keep it real on every stop you make, your trip will become more optimised each day.
Happy trails.