Final 3 key Google ranking tips

Final 3 Key Factors in Our Series of Google Ranking Tips

In part two of our Google ranking tips series we discussed how the content on your website can effect your search engine rankings. In this post, we’ll review how to leverage social media, mobile accessibility and page speed to help your business get more than it’s fair share of the Search Engine Ranking Page (SERP). 7….

Organic search serp pay per click search engine results page

Organic vs Pay Per Click – A SERP Breakdown

Understanding the rules surrounding search engine optimization can be difficult, especially if you don’t understand the basics. In terms of search engine results there is nothing more basic than ‘SERP’, ‘Organic’ and ‘Pay-Per-Click’ (PPC). What is a SERP? When you search a keyword in a search engine like Google, it generates a Search Engine Results…